Last summer I made my humble little publication available to the public and wrote this blog post about it's grand release. I bought a package of 50 large envelopes figuring I would need 24 for my class in the fall anyhow and that would leave me with 26 extras just in case anyone actually bought a copy and I needed to mail it.
Holy Underestimation Batman! I ended up mailing out over 1000 of them between June and September. I had it listed in my online store, which I only run when I'm on summer vacation. We all went back to school and I didn't really think about it.
I'm not sure if someone posted a link somewhere or what happened, but lately I've been receiving emails with requests for info on how to order a copy.
Not wanting to disappoint my fans (because that would be 3 angry people), I have once again made it available online.
You can buy it here for $5.00...that's like the cost of a magazine....or 5 items at Dollar Tree...or 2 of the $2.5o items at the Dollar Spot at Target. You get the idea.
And because I had so much fun with the "spread the love" Valentine's Giveaway I want to give one of these hot-off-the-press-inspirational-motivational-booklets away too.
Heck, I'll even increase it's value by making it a signed copy. You can't get a valuable autograph link that on a Kindle or the Nook, can you? :P
Anyhow, all kidding aside, it does have quite a bit of useful information and helpful tips and I did get a lot of really nice feedback and blushworthy emails. So...do you want to win one?
Mandatory 1st Entry:
Blog, Facebook, Messageboard or Tweet about this (I love how those are all now verbs) with a link to this blog (www.LittlestLearners.com), leave a separate comment with a link to each one.
Feel free to copy and paste the image above into your post.
Unlimited Additional Entries:
Leave a comment with one of your favorite organization or time-saving tips. Do a separate comment for each tip for extra entries.
I'll do a random comment drawing on Wednesday.
Organization tip 1: to organize poster, I first roll them up and place a rubberband around them, then label them and place them in a milk crate. To keep them all nicely standing straight I tie a string across the crate. You end up with little sections tied off and all your posters standing straight and organized! I also have a file system binder that is organized by classroom location with a section labeled "posters", inside that section is a list of the posters in alphabetical order! :)
Tip #2: I have all my worksheet filed in 4' binders, sectioned by theme and then placed in order of when I 'usually' use them throughout the year. For instance in Binder One you will find all the themes that are introduced within the 'first semester' (before Christmas) of school. In Binder Two you will find all the files and themes needed for after Christmas. It is a quick and easy reference point.
I am actually in the process of uploading all my organizational ideas on my blog today!!! :)
I LOVE your blog and have snagged some amazing ideas!!! I'm an organizing fanatic and can't wait to see what all you have to offer in your book!!
Beg, Borrow, Steal
For assessments on my students, I have a folder with their name on it and keep everything right inside. It is much easier when I have a meeting on a student or conference with parent and have everything at my fingertips!
I bought a Grab and Go Notebook this summer. It is large, colorful and so much easier to find. I have one for my lesson plans and one for meetings.
I love a giveaway! I've posted it on my blog...www.kinder-pond.blogspot.com
Organization Tip:
I have a hanging file box on the counter when you enter my room. It is organized with a hanging folder for each day. Within each hanging folder I have three separate folders labeled; Wake-Up Work, Literacy Work, Math Work. I put all the workbook pages, worksheets, and lesson plans into the folders and put a Post-It that has the date on it along with a description (like Jolly Phonics or Poetry Journal). Subs love it!
For books I like to share each month with the students.... I have them filed in crates by month. I pull that crate down at the beginning of each month and we can enjoy them all month long.
Here's my FB post.
My favorite organization tip is the good ol' "Pencils That Are Shar/Pencils That Need Sharpening" cups. Saves so many headaches!
I also use a chain of plastic links to reward good decisions. Whenever an individual student or the whole class makes a good choice, we add a 'character link' to the chain. I make a big deal of adding the link and always refer to the character quality the student displayed (self-control, caring, trustworthiness, etc.).
When the class has added a predetermined amount of links they vote on a reward. I tell them the rewards have to be free for me and take no more than 10 minutes of classtime, but those are the only stipulations.
I have file boxes for all my subjects I teach and then put the weekly work in them. I also label them with colorful clip art and title.
I have an assessment binder with a section for each child. I keep all their DRAs, running records, test scores, etc. in one place. I also have a Parent Log in which I log each conversation I have with parents. I also attach phone messages I have left or that have been left for me!
Just tweeted this!
uggentoo Erika
Littlest Learners / Clutter-Free Classroom Blog: Classroom Organization GIVEAWAY!!! http://t.co/CmJnuaX Check out this blog! She rocks!
1 minute ago Favorite Reply Delete
I have a thumb-drive that is organized by the 4 core content areas, classroom management, behavior management, and forms that I download or make so I can refer back to it.
Here's where I blogged about it!
I make a spreadsheet at the beginning of each year that has all of my assessment scores on it for beginning, middle and end of the year. It's easy to take to a RTI meeting and at a glance, I can see how much progress my kids make!
I posted on FB
I posted on FB
I like to assign a number to each of my students and use it to easily file and record their papers.
Tip #2: An inexpensive way to organize your classroom library is to purchase ice cube bins from Walmart. I bought tons of them each for less than $2. They are perfect for the themes that you don't have a ton of books for. :)
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