Monday, March 29, 2010
Plastic Drawers - No Mess Monday
Friday, March 26, 2010
Scout's Honor
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Classroom Storage Boxes: Thrifty Thursday
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
9:02 pee break, 11:26 pee break...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What Time is It?
Today's Teaching Tuesday Idea is:
Monday, March 22, 2010
Organizing Puzzles: No-Mess Monday
Puzzles are great.
This solution is easy. Just cut the picture off the box and place it into a clear plastic bag with all of it's pieces.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Prepare to Envy Me
See those three faces? I will preface this by saying that they totally make it all worthwhile. I adore those little mugs and realize how blessed I am.
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's Report Card Day
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Top O The Morning To Ya!
My fellow third grade teacher and I spent yesterday (St. Patrick's Day) afternoon sorting through math questions and categorizing them by standards. I pointed out that one benefit to getting old is that we won't need to spend March 18th teaching with a hangover.
Bulletin Board Backgrounds: Thrifty Thursday
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Assigning Partners: Whatever Wednesday
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Workstation Rotations: Teacher-Tip Tuesday
Today's Teaching Tuesday Idea is:
Monday, March 15, 2010
Filing System - No Mess Monday
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Daylight Savings
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thrifty Thursday
First of all, I just want to scoop up that little boy and cuddle his 2 year old goodness! That's my son (who will start Kindergarten in the fall) helping my prepare for the new school year a couple of summers ago. Gosh, he was cute...but I digress.
Today’s tip is about saving money.
Not only will this tip save you money, but will also save the parents money.
And it will make your life easier.
Well, sort of.
We used to send out “supply lists” by grade level or classroom. The families would go to Target or Walmart on Labor Day weekend and fill up a cart with markers and watercolors and notebooks and such as they checked off items from the list. They would go to the register and hand over $25-40.00 and be on their way.
Then the first day of school came. And with with it came students dressed in their cute new outfits, carrying their spiffy new backpacks loaded with an array of brand-new supplies. Then they would all act confused on where to put their lot of goodies. They would compare eye who got the 64 pack of crayons even though the list clearly said to get the 24 pack. They would become distracted by the Hello Kitty pencils and the pencil sharpener that also serves as a wind-up toy.
And then there were the kids who came to school without supplies...carrying last years backpack...wearing hand-me down clothes. They lacked the excitement of new supplies and scented markers (even though the list clearly said, “Crayola Washable 12 pack”). They felt left out.
A few years back we sent home a note with the 2nd graders (I teach 3rd) that read “instead of sending home a supply list, we are requesting that each student send in $15.00.” We collected it before the summer break, although some families paid the following fall. We then bought all of the supplies ourselves.
During the summer most stores run weekly sales and offer great deals. Typically, colored glue sticks and crayons are 20 cents a pack, colored pencils are 50 cents, markers are .88 cents and watercolors are $1.00. Staples also runs weekly penny sales where we get folders, pencils, pencil sharpeners, hand sanitizer, erasers and more for 1 to 5 cents a pack. The parents don’t typically do the “grazing” we do and end up spending so much more by buying everything at once. By shopping the sales I average about $8.00 a child for a year’s worth of supplies. I should add that I am picky about brands so it’s mainly Crayola. Roseart and others can be found for even less money!
This leaves me with about $7.00 per child for the remainder of the year. I use this money to buy the “special” things that I would normally spend my own money on. Some examples include: T-shirts, photo processing, scrapbook papers for projects, cooking materials, modge Podge, special markers for the writing area, etc.
The added bonus is that I am able to organize the supplies before school starts which makes the first day of school much easier. The children all have identical supplies so there in no bickering over who really owns the Star Wars pencil with the eraser shaped like yoda. There is far less distractions throughout the year because a stand issue Ticonderoga number 2 yellow pencil is FAR less exciting than said Star Wars writing tool. There is a sense of equality and community because the children are not able to define social status by who has the 64 pack of Crayolas with the built in sharpener and who came to school without crayons.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Must Do / May Do Board -Whatever Wednesday
I wish I could take credit for this. It has made my role so much easier. I first saw this in a co-workers classroom. She found it somewhere else. Regardless of where it came from, you NEED it!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Story Cubes - Teaching Tuesday
Today's Teaching Tuesday Idea is:
- characters
- setting
- problem / solution
- beginning / middle / end
- recreate the cover
- summary
- facts learned from the book
Monday, March 8, 2010
Unfinished Work Boxes - No Mess Monday
- Each student is assigned a box which is labeled with his/her number.
- If we are working on a whole-class ongoing project, I will collect the student work and hold onto it until the next time we are going to work on it. However, if the children have not completed work during the allotted time I tell them to "put it into your unfinished box."
- The students will then slide their assignment into their box until a time arises when they can finish it.