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Me loves this fact. I'm lazy like that.
That means I live in the district in which I teach.
As such, my son goes to my school. It's been great. I'm able to volunteer in his classroom during my lunch and since he attends the afterschool program, I simply need to stop by the cafeteria or gym and snag him when I'm leaving.
I try very hard to keep a distinct line between parent and teacher which means I don't take him to school with me in the morning. I leave for work and 20 minutes later my husband drops him off.
Oh how handy that can be.
This morning I did the unthinkable.
I left my coffee at home.
I make the coffee the night before so it's icy goodness is waiting me when I awake.
Usually, it's been sucked down by 5:15, but for whatever reason (I'm looking at you toddler twins) the morning was hectic and it sat idle in the fridge waiting to come to work with me.
Halfway into my commute (yes, I realize that means 1/2 a mile from home, but it's still a commute), I realized my cupholder was empty. Not cool.
Unfortunately, I was crunched for time and couldn't doubleback and grab it.
Fortunately, hubby would be dropping the Boy off soon after so I put in the call.
My coffee was delivered and I was a happy teacher.
As an aside, the cup was a gift from a student last year. I coveted that stinking cup for months. I so wanted to buy it, but my track record of not properly caring for travel mugs made it hard to justify the purchase. I adore that cup. It looks like a regular Starbucks cup, but is hard, insulated plastic with a screw on top. The straw has a catch to keep it from coming out all the way. Best. Cup. Ever!
So...how long is your commute? Do you think you would want to live in the district you teach in?
My first school in the city that I worked at was literally 4 streets over from my house. Not 4 BLOCKS, just 4 streets over. I used to walk to work. It was awesome!
I, too, love those reusable cups. I have several that I bought at Walmart (I don't have a fancy Starbuck's one) and I actually just bought 2 more yesterday at Walmart. These are REALLY nice because in between the double-wall there is a gel, and you put the cup in the freezer. And, they were only 5 bucks! Oh, yeah, bring on the iced coffee! :)
The first school I taught in was about .2 miles away from my house. So close. I loved being that close. Then when we found out we were expecting, we bought a new house in a diff. neighborhood. Now we live in a diff. state (back closer to family) and I have the privilege of being a stay at home mama and most likely a homeschooler to my 3 kiddos (2nd, K, pre-K) in the fall. Life is good!
I'm only about 20 minutes away from school and I love it. I work in the city and live in the country, lol! It really is the best of both worlds. Glad you got your coffee. One time, I got to work and dropped my ice coffee all over the hallway. It was not a good morning. Luckily, I had just enough time to race down to Dunkie's and grab another.
Ladybug's Teacher Files
My commute is about 20 minutes (highway included). It's actually perfect. I get to unwind a bit on the way home and that helps me get into "Momma Mode" before I get the kidlets from the after school program.
I would totally teach in the district where I live, but they are never hiring because it's so awesome here and no one ever leaves (half the people retire and then work half time for the district after that). I quite like NOT teaching where my kids go though. I teach in a very high needs area and I enjoy it. It's tough sometimes but I like feeling like I'm really making a difference.
I am at least 30 miles away from my school. I do like living away from my school town in the aspect that I can run errands in comfy shorts, tshirt etc and not worry who I will run into. I can also run into a store and not run into someone from school who would want to talk shop. It's also a happy medium (distance wise) between work and my church- in opposite directions)
Glad your hubby was a lifesaver today :-)
I live five miles down the highway from my school, BUT because ours is a geographically large semi-rural district, my neighborhood IS in my school's attendance area. This year THREE of my students lived in my neighborhood, one of whom was just three houses down the street.
My commute is easy, and for the most part, I enjoy constantly encountering families in the community... except not 30 minutes ago when I ran into one of this year's kids, her mom, and sibs at the grocery store. My husband and I were in exercise clothes, hot and sweaty, and I had on a reeeeeeeeeally dorky hat. Oh well!
I have one of those Starbucks cups and LOOOOOOOVE it! My SIL bought me a similar one at Costco for Christmas and I use both of them constantly.
Your chilled coffee looks really yummy, BTW... share your recipe/method?
I DO live in the district I teach in which ALSO happens to be where I went to school! My elementary is not my son's HOME school though...he DOES come with me in the AM to school...he has the the staff in the office wrapped around his lil finger...though they do not mind and do just as much for all of the teachers' kids at our bldg. yes, I said ALL...4 teachers have kids at our school and soon it will be 6! 4 of which live in district.
COFFEE! It is a must on my commute (less than a mile) AND to start the day off in class...I have been known to text a parent/friend if I have not gotten mine and have had her grab me one on her way into the bldg. to volunteer. PERKS!!!
I live about 20 minutes from the school where I teach. I love having this time in the mornings to think through the day, jam out to what I want to listen to on the radio, and to have some alone time. My commute is my "me" time!
I am soo jealous! My commute is an hour and 15 minutes one way! I love my school and team, so coming closer right now is not an option. Thank goodness for travel mugs!
I live 1/2 mile from my house. Often walk but the drive is quicker. I love it!! Hope I don't have to change schools next year and have to drive across town---10 minutes.....I am spoiled..my boys bring me sonic drinks and snow cones. But only til tomorrow---LAST DAY!!!!
I think we may be twins. I live one block from school. My 2 boys attend the same school, but like you I leave earlier and my hubby drops them off. This year I have made that same coffee call, as well as a cell phone, Sudafed, and toothbrush call! (I realized I had forgotten to brush my teeth, yuck!!) I am coveting that same cup. Maybe one of my students will get it for me, too! Love your blog!
I used to teach in the district where I live and had the little boy across the street in my kindergarten class. Best line of the year came when I was screening the children on their addresses...his reply with a look of wonder..."I live across the street from you...don't you know what street we live on?"
The school I taught at is literally one minute away from my home. I loved being so close to my school and seeing my students while running weekly errands! I was also looking forward to the fact that my children would attend the school that I worked at.
I now teach at a charter school that is 30 minutes away from home. I love my new school and plan to stay there for a while, but I sure do miss having school and home so close to each other!
I had that cup...I loved that cup...I lost that cup!! It was a very sad day!
I don't live in the district I teach in, but I live right next to it. I live less than ten min from my school and love it! I understand about the coffee. It's a must have really, which is why we have a coffee pot in our "house" at school. I know that if I forget, or I try to go without I can always fight the caffeine withdraw headache if needed.
BTW, I'm featuring your blog in my follow Friday post, because, well you are awesome! Thanks for all the helpful hints.
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