Way back when I taught first grade.
I loved teaching first grade!
I made a class book titled, "What is Love?"
It was so stinking cute. I even displayed it at my wedding.
Those innocent, sweet little first graders wrote things like, "Love is getting licked by a puppy."
They also wrote, "Love is my mommy making my favorite cookies."
I haven't done the project in awhile. But, since I am now teaching writing to all the 3rd graders I thought it would be fun.
I forgot how "worldly" kids can become between first and third.
The wrote paragraphs instead of one sentence.
The content was different too.
Let's just say my editing sessions focused more on the phrase, "Let's reword this so that it is 'school appropriate," and less on punctuation and capitalization. They weren't THAT bad, but they did fall into the "hey can of worms...let me open you" category.
I had a few that had me laughing real hard though. I was going to wait until Valentine's Day to share them, but thought maybe you might like to do the project with your class so I'm mentioning it today. I also marked my Valentine's Unit on sale at TpT...check it out.
And now onto some of my favs:
From my appearantly over-confident boy (points to him for incorporating our work on inferencing skills):
"Love is having a crush on someone. I hope nobody in this class has a crush on me. Do you think anyone in this class has a crush on me? I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I mean I look like Justin Beiber and the girls love Justin Beiber so I can infer that at least the people who love Justin Beiber have a crush on me. What should I do?
From Little-Miss-Sunshine:
Love is hearts and flowers. It is feeling warm and fuzzy. Love is wonderful. You can not see love. You can only feel love and it feels so magical. XOXOXOXO
From the kid you need to know to appreciate:
Love is disgusting and makes me want to puke. Since I don't think you want me to write about puking this is all I have to say about the subject.
So stinking FUNNY! I love every single thing your kiddos wrote, but I'm a little curious about the things you felt you needed to have them change to make it "school appropriate." I have a first grader now and I worry about things she will hear as she goes along through school.
LOL - love the one from the boy who thinks he looks like Justin Bieber! Too funny!
hahahha those were great! kids are the cutest :)
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