
Thursday, July 15, 2010

DIY Classroom Decorations

Today's Thrifty Thursday Tip is: Do It Yourself Classroom Decor

I love me some adorable Carson-Delossa kits as much as the next gal.  But, I also have a mortgage to pay and can’t be spending money all willy-nilly.  

Granted, time is money.  If you don’t have the time then you might want to spend the money.  But, if you do have the time then I’m here to tell you it takes surprisingly little talent to make cute things on your own.

This is especially handy if you are into classroom themes and are struggling to find items to complete your desired look.

Use the Overhead:

Find some clip art that you like.  Make a transparency of it (using a printer, copier or just tracing it with a Sharpie onto a transparent sheet).  Project it onto paper at a size that fits your needs.

You can paint it, but I prefer a paper pieced look.  The lion was traced onto different colored paper, cut out and glued together.  

The benefits to creating your own decorative items include:

  • cost-savings
  • custom to match your room theme or decor
  • exact size you want
  • great project for classroom aides, parent volunteers or even the kids

I recommend looking through coloring books or googling "___ coloring page" (insert what you are looking for).  


  1. Great suggestion, particularly as I seem to be running short of funds these days (although my decor for my room this year is going to rock.)

    Question: where do you get your paper? Do you use the "free" stuff from school? Construction paper? What do you recommend for durability? And do you laminate before hanging it up (so it can be reused)?

    Thanks! I truly look forward to this blog every morning.


  2. Great classroom decorations! I wish that I had the time and the talent to make my own classroom decorations. After reading this post, maybe I will try.

  3. Where did you find that lion?

  4. I was wondering where you found that lion because I love that lion!

  5. I was wondering the same questions as the first posted! durability, etc.
