
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

She Works Hard for the Money

subtitled, "She Works Hard for Summer Vacation."

Non-teacher folks rarely offer up any sympathy when it comes to the teaching profession.  Any complaints about being stressed about something job-related are met with a disgruntled, "well, you only work 180 days a year."  Ever try complaining that summer vacation is about to end to a year round employee?  It's not pretty.

I remember hearing that the concept of summer break came about because children were needed to tend to the crops during those months.  Now, the only crop tending that kids do is while playing Farmville on their parents Facebook accounts, but we still get to go barefoot for all of July and August.  

I won't complain.  I love my job and I love that it offers the perk of having more than half of the year off.  BUT, I do feel like we need to earn that summer vacation.  I also feel like it takes the full summer to recover from the month of June.

We have Open House tomorrow night and we have been super-busy getting ready for that.  I'm working the kids like it's a sweatshop (Color faster! Do you really need to go to the bathroom?  Can't you hold it until you've finished making your Model Magic pig?  Open House is days away and you want to get a drink of water?  I suppose you'll want to break for lunch too.) and I have more glue gun burns than I have fingers.  

The room looks great though and despite my "chop-chop-get-er-done" barking of orders, the kids are having a blast being creative.  It's a welcome change after a long testing season.  

We're in school until June 24th.  It feels like it is a lot of time, but there is so much to do in the next few weeks.  There are so many meetings and assemblies and things to do that my little calendar can't hold them all.  Life is busy!

Sorry about the lack of blogging.  I'll get caught up soon.

As soon as Open House ends I will be getting the room ready for next year.  In honor of that I am planning, "theme week" for the blog next week.  I am going to do a classroom theme again (at least to start the year) and will feature a theme a day with links, ideas, and photos from year's past.  I'm also planning to showcase some of my fabulous colleagues amazing classrooms from our Open House Night.  

So good things to come.


  1. Thank you, Thank you! As a future teacher (I graduate in December) the thought of what your blog will have to offer me next week is very exciting.

  2. Good luck at your open house! I don't envy you.

  3. I've never heard of having an Open House at the END of a school year before. I'm glad you are staying positive throughout it though :)

  4. OOH I am so excited to see all the themes! I am probably keeping my "monkeys' this year but I need something to add to it and I need a new calendar(I foolishly didn't laminate mine and it's falling apart). Only 4 days left for us...then it's packing for a NEW building in August! :)
