
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stationary - Teacher Tip Tuesday

Today's Teaching Tuesday Idea is:

Teacher Stationary

Children are very familiar with email, texting, voice mail, and IMs.  However, good old fashion letter writing is often a foreign concept to them.  Keeping some teacher stationary on hand in your desk will expose them to more written language and allow you to model good social skills.  As an added bonus, it will free up your time outside the classroom and save you a bit of money on postage.

I like to keep “generic” stationary and envelopes in my classroom.  By generic, I mean it doesn’t specifically say ‘thank you’ or ‘happy birthday.’  It can be used for anything. When children bring in small gifts for me or when I catch them making a great choice, I like to send home a quick hand-written note.  

In the past I would spend holiday breaks and the start of my summer vacation writing out thank-you notes which would then need to be mailed home.  By having stationary readily available I can write an immediate note of gratitude and put it into their mailbox or folder that day.  I also like to write a thank you note to parents who volunteer in the classroom for a special project or chaperone a field trip.  In those cases, I try to print a digital picture from that day of the parent with their child and include it with the card.  It’s a fairly simple touch on my part, but is always much appreciated on their end.

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