Today's No Mess Monday Tip for Classroom Organization is:
I number my students. It just makes things easier. It's especially handy in situations like this where I can reuse things year after year without relabeling them with new names.
I have two sets of file folders. The yellow ones are my student files. I keep this in my top desk drawer and can easily drop tardy slips, parent notes, and other important pieces of paper that I want to keep on hand into the folder that belongs to the child. At the end of the year I just empty them out and they are all set for the fall.
The blue folders are for the days of the month. There are 31 folders and they are labeled, "1st day of the month, 2nd day of the month, etc." I use it to store papers that I will need on specific days. It's perfect for conference notes, meeting agendas, lesson plans, etc.
Love the student folders, way easier access than a communication binder. For the monthly ones, do you just empty every month - what about things you'll need in a few months? I'm sure you have something ingenious happening :)