
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alive and Well

Hey All!

When I am teaching writing I tell my kids not to string together the word "so" over and over and that one "so" is all they need.


I have been so so so so so so so so busy.


School started last week and it's great. Thrilled with my class. Adore my student teacher. Having great fun reconnecting with my long-lost coworkers (when you typically see people daily, ten weeks is a long time being apart). LOVE having my favorite little Kindergarten kid at school with me and getting winks from him as we pass in the hall.

All good stuff.

I do miss my babies and am trying to spend as much time with them as I can when I'm not at school. Which means I am a bit of a juggling act at the moment and have been finding myself falling asleep on the couch with a pile of spelling assessments on my lap as soon as the littles go to bed.

I've started getting concerned emails from my wonderful readers. So sweet.

I assure you I am alive and well. I've very well in fact. I'm just getting the new year kicked off and settling in to some new routines at home. I had great routines going as a "working mom" last year, but the difference between 9 month old twins and 12.5 month old twins is amazing. They used to nap from 4-5 which gave me just enough time to come home, change into comfy clothes, make dinner and play for a bit with the Boy. They no longer enjoy their cages, um, I mean excersaucers and pack n' plays and are in to EVERYTHING.

For those who are curious...

My goal is to resume daily blogging soon. I've been taking lots of pictures and making notes of things to share. I'm a bit more giddy than I should be about blogging about my new bathroom procedure.

Hope you are all off to a great start with your new years!

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Year Resolutions

I don't make New Year's Resolutions on December 31st.

Because I NEVER stick to them.

I do make New Year's Resolutions in September for the new school year though. I also make them at the start of the summer.

I tend to stick to the summer ones. The September resolutions rarely last. That's because they involve professional clothes and blowouts. Let's be real. I'm a simple girl.

And blowdrying my hair with a round brush and a collection of hair products is not simple. It's fancy. I'm not fancy.

So...What are your New Year's Resolutions for the 2010-2011 school year?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Coming Up For Air

Wow! What a crazy week it has been.

On Friday my internet went out which in many ways was a good thing. It allowed me to focus on the family and the house and all that good stuff.

Not so good for running an online business though. It all worked out.

We celebrated the twin's 1st birthday on Saturday with a big ole backyard party. I must thank our guest of honor, Mother Nature, for providing us with a gorgeous day. It was a fabulous shindig and I really enjoyed visiting with family who I had not seen in forever.

My mom and dad were in town for the birthday and stayed with us Saturday through Tuesday. We totally took advantage of having the extra hands.

On Sunday morning we took the Big Brother sans babies to the beach.

It's amazing how vacationish it felt. I love the beach any day of the year. However, after a crazy week of traveling out of state, working on the house, party planning and executing, entertaining, etc. it felt SO GOOD to sit with my feet in the sand and not have to worry about diaper and sand-eating babies.

It wasn't all fun and games though. I had work to do.
I'm a teacher. It was the month of August. It's how we roll.

On Monday the reality slap came.

I had received email clearance to go work in my classroom. Translation: the cleaning crew had finished "doing their thang" and I could go piece together my classroom. Since my mom was visiting and could hang with the Littles, I put on my scrubby clothes and headed in to school.

Luckily I brought my big, strong, Hubby with me. (Actually he was bitter and disgruntled about needing to do manual labor, but he sometimes reads this so I thought a few flattering adjectives would be appreciated).

The good news is that I had a blank slate.
The better news is that my rugs were cleaned.
The bad news is that this is the scene I walked in to find.

Why yes, that is the entire contents of my classroom piled high into a jumbled heap. I managed to sift through the rubble, get everything back in order and things are looking good for the 10-11 school year.

We don't start back until next Tuesday.

Tomorrow I'm taking the Boy to a water park.

Since it seems like every school in NH, ME and parts of MA have already started we should have the place to ourselves.

Which is exactly how I prefer anywhere I need to sport a swimsuit to be.